Friday, January 23, 2009

Mission from GOD

On January 11, 2009 I posted "what is your strategery?", towards the end I said that I am on a mission and me without my mission statement, well Red Fox Followers, here you go.

My mission is to be the type of father that represents the Love of God to my children. To build in them confidence, teach them to respect and act respectable, demonstrate the value of wisdom and help them make wise decisions. To teach them to love others and to not take advantage nor be taken advantage of.

My mission is to be the type of husband I would want my daughter to marry and my son to be. Relay to them the benefits of being loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, and to exercise kindness, gentleness, and self control while balancing these qualities with the ability to be tough enough to thrive in a tough world.

My mission is to discipline with love, instruct with patience, and guide with purpose keeping the end in mind; creating a wise, confident, kind adult that is in a growing relationship with their Creator and Saviour.

I will achieve this prayerfully, being intentional about my instruction, engaged in their lives, and interactive in their play.

This is my mission, a Mission from God.

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