Sunday, January 11, 2009

Do you have a Strategery?

I have heard Fathers say, "if I can only get my boy to 18 years old alive", or "I just want to get my daughter to 18 without getting pregnant", seems like the standards have been lowered quite a bit. Okay, I must admit, there have been times in my Fatherhood period when I have felt the exact same thing. Thinking that success would be measured by just getting my children to 18 without any major mistakes. However, when I calm down and think more clearly, I realize that most likely within the 5 - 7 years after my children turn 18 they will make two of the most important life decisions they will ever encounter, 1. they will choose who they will spend the rest of thier life with, and 2. they will decide what they are going to do for a living...for the rest of thier lives. And most likely they will make these decisions while not living under my wing. After I consider this, getting my children to 18 with such shallow goals is not in thier, nor my best interest. Many Fathers think, I will provide food, clothing, and education and that is my job. However, the flaw in this you have only 18 years +/- to prepare them for roughly 70 years of living, you need a strategy. When I was working I did not implement any new process without a strategy for success, I never negotiated any deals without first thinking through a strategy, I never counseled an employee on thier performance without a strategy, so, why when it comes to something as important as raising my children do I find myself without a strategy? The most important assignment God has ever given me and I have no plan, no direction, no strategy; and I have lowered my goals to "just keeping them alive". Heck, I don't even go to the grocery store without a strategy but at 5 years old and 4 years old I have already capitulated. Not me my Red Fox followers. This is the week I am developing a strategy. I am going to formulate a plan, what am I creating? I want my son to be more than just alive at 18, and my daughter more than just not pregnant. The first thing to do elevate my goals, write them down, put them on a timetable, implement the strategy, victory will be mine and my children will be ready for the tough "life decisions" they will have to face. I have been on a mission my friends, and me, without even a mission statement. If you don't have a strategy, get one!

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