Tuesday, May 19, 2009


One of my favorite lines in the movie Mission Impossible is when Ethan Hunt was given his next mission, and Ethan said it was going to be difficult, the mission commander said, "Mr. Hunt, this isn't mission difficult, it's mission impossible, difficult should be a walk in the park for you.I feel like being a good Father should be on Mission Impossible.

Think about retaining employment, matching the hours your peers work, making time to have a working relationship with your wife, competing with the TV and Sony Playstation for your children's time and admiration, being faithful to your wife when sex is so readily prevalent and advertised, and raising children in a society that is completely geared to guide them to destruction. Yes, I think it is that bad. Can't you just hear the theme music? Difficult, very, but this isn't Mission Difficult it is Mission Impossible and if Ethan Hunt can do it, so can we.

As a Father of two daughters, I believe that a large part of my mission is to get my daughters safely to their wedding day. At that point, some young man takes over meeting her every need, or at least he better, that is my plan, I doubt that it is his. Another thing that I believe is my daughter will eventually compare every boyfriend to me. My mission should I choose to accept it, is to make it as difficult for some little boy with turd for brains to get involved in her life. Difficult? No, make it impossible! Since she will be a tough to deal with, and a not listening teenager the only way to accomplish this is to set a subconscious high standard in her world now. How do you do this? Be the type of husband you want your daughter to marry. Is this going to be difficult? Very, but this isn't Mission Difficult, it's Mission Impossible and difficult is a walk in the park.

Between my neighbor and I we have four daughters and we have on occasion discussed that when it comes time for our daughters to date we would conveniently be together cleaning our guns, discussing our previous jail time, or being generally mean and intimidating. I remember one father telling me how me made his daughter's suitors leave $20 behind, it was returned when the young man returned the daughter home before curfew, if not, it cost him 20 bucks. I thought that was a creative idea but not sure I am comfortable with it.You might want to consider these rules for dating, see this link;


Or you could require an application to date your daughter, see this link;


Unfortunately I don't think that my wife will allow the rules or the application to be discussed with the potential boyfriend (aka Turd for Brains). I would guess my daughter won't like it either but she doesn't get an opinion on this matter. This leaves me with only on option left, to be on the date with them. Now get this, I am not as crazy as you all might think. I don't really mean physically be on the date, I mean subconsciously. What type of man do you want your daughter to marry? Answer that question and that is the type of husband you need to be, simple. If you want it ok in your daughter's mind for that potential boyfriend to be a drinker, this Bud's for you, a smoker, then by all means, be a Marlboro Man, a drug addict, then go ahead, blow the snow (I am not talking about your driveway). Those are mostly easy for the readers of this blog, but ask yourself these questions, do I want my daughter to be a maid? Then it is ok for you to not do house work, how about is it ok for your future son in law to yell at you daughter? If so, then you may yell at your wife. Is it going to be ok for your son in law to ignore your grandchildren? Congratulations, you don't need to engage in your children's life. I have a million of them, poor money manger, not physically fit, smoke; what you allow in yourself, your daughter will allow in her husband. Take this time to review how you treat your wife, if she were your daughter what would change? One thing for sure, you would. I know I have.

Because my plan to dive into my daughter's subconscious and set the high water mark for all these young men to meet is the only possible way to actually be on the date with her. Not only when she is a teenager but into her twenties, thirties or however long it may take. I may not even be alive, but I will be there watching his every move. The application and rules will be imprinted on my daughters mind and on her heart. And yes, there might be a time when she does date a turd for brains and it might take some time for her to flush him down, but eventually, she will know, not all turds rise to the top.

Good day Mr Hunt. Your mission, whether you accept it or not, involves making any potential suitor of your daughter's hand meet a very high standard of respect and love. You may select any two team members, but it is essential that the third member of your team be your wife. She is a civilian, and a highly capable professional Mother. You have eighteen years to accomplish this mission. As always, should any member of your team be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. This message will self destruct in five seconds.

Be intentional, be engaged, be interactive, be a Red Fox Father.

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