Tuesday, February 17, 2009


As many of you know, I am currently "in between jobs", that is a nice way of putting it, unemployed is more descriptive. I tried on "retired" for a while but when I used that term people just thought that I was super successful and I didn't want to lead people horribly astray. Whatever you call it, I spend a great deal of time at home and it doesn't pay very well.So, that being said, I have taken up a new career and I am extremely excited about it, I am a Life Coach.

I currently have two clients and I have a third very interested, I believe in June they will sign on. In order to prepare for my new career I have done extensive amount of research on Life Coaching and I have to tell you the payoff is going to be substantial. Although I think the best part is my clients are great people and are equally excited about the opportunity. Both of them are fairly successful at their stage of life and my goal is to merely supplement their current success. All three of them are very good at what they do, but still have untapped potential.For those of you that don't know, Life Coaching is the process of teaching people a certain set of skills or direct them in obtaining certain goals. I think my personal goal for my clients follows the US Marine motto; I want my clients to "Be All You Can Be". I honestly believe that helping my clients obtain their full potential will be the most rewarding part of the entire job, although I am looking forward to that, my intention is to also bask in the process of getting there. This is a trip whereby getting there is going to be as good as the arrival.The funny thing about my "new" venture is that it is not really been that new. I have been Life Coaching for about 6 years, I was just too busy to realize it. I was too busy providing for my family, but what the heck was I providing? Sure I was providing food, shelter, and massive amounts of toys, but I think that I was not providing the necessities; principles, responsibility, and a massive amounts of wisdom.

Although I should keep my clients identity confidential by now you most likely know who they are, my soon to be 6 year old daughter, my 4 year old son, and the baby that is being born in June, I am a Life Coach, I bet you are too. What services are you providing your clients? Just food, shelter, and a massive amount of toys or do you get down to the necessities? I think that my job description as Father I allowed to be defined by modern society, to provide stuff, so I am redefining my job description, Life Coach.

Your job doesn't end at 5 PM, it begins; and the payoff is going to be substantial.

Be intentional, be engaged, be interactive, be a Red Fox Father.

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